Ed Sheeran najavio da ide “u mirovinu”!

Kako za sad stvari stoje, neko vrijeme nećemo uživo moći slušati, a ni gledati nastupe Eda Sheerana.

Iako mu je svega 28 godina, Ed Sheeran je najavio kako ide “u mirovinu”. Sigurno privremenu, ako ne i trajnu i to kako bi se više mogao posvetiti svojoj supruzi Cherry Seaborn.

Objavio je to u emotivnom obraćanju publici po završetku svoje “Divide” turneje u gradiću Ipswich. Po svijetu je odradio nastupe za gotovo 9 milijuna ljudi čime je to postala jedna od najvećih glazbenih turneja ikad, no kako Ed kaže, ne može idućih 20 godina provesti na cesti putujući. Inače, Ed Sheeran je 17. najbogatiji glazbenik u UK-u koji teži vrtoglavih 160 milijuna funti.

This is my last gig for probably 18 months. We’ve played all around the world. Glastonbury, Wembley Stadium. All these amazing venues, America, New Zealand, Australia, Asia, South America – it’s been a wild one. I was told before I came on that now at the end of this tour I’ve played to nine million people around the world. It is the biggest tour ever. It’s been an emotional day for a lot of people backstage. It kind of feels like, in a weird way, that you’re breaking up with a girlfriend that you’ve been with for years. I want to say thank you to everyone on this tour. Thank you to everyone who has given me a chance. This is my last song. I wrote this when I was 15 years old. See you in a few years’ time. Thank you.” – rekao je Ed Sheeran susprežući suze.

Još je u lipnju najavio kako bi se nešto takvo moglo dogoditi: “I’m starting a life with Cherry. I can’t spend the next 20 years on the road. Kids would be the different thing. I wouldn’t mind sacrificing for them. If someone told me you can’t tour again for the next ten years if you have kids that is fine, because that is what I have signed up for. I’ve already achieved more than I thought I would, so now I’m just trying to have fun.