Martin Garrix komentirao DJ Mag ljestvicu: “Nije me briga za poredak. Ne treba mi nekakva lista da radim ono što volim!”

Ove subote 19. listopada doznat ćemo tko ove godine nosi titulu najboljeg DJ-a svijeta prema prestižnom DJ Magu. Ceremonija dodjele nagrade i proglašenja najboljeg DJ-a svijeta po DJ Mag TOP 100 ljestvici održat će se u sklopu Amsterdam Music Festivala na Amsterdam Dance Eventu.

U nedavnom intervjuu na samu ljestvicu osvrnuo se i Martin Garrix, trenutno najbolje rangirani DJ svijeta, koji očito ne mari previše za poredak na toj listi: “I really don’t care, the so-called world ranking. I don’t need a list to do what I like. I am at 1, yes. And Tiësto is very many places below me. That doesn’t make sense, does it? I started playing music through him. I am not a better DJ than him, maybe now I just have a bit more hype around me. By the way, there are also people in that list from whom I have never heard of, so I have my doubts about the creation.” 

AGP Favorite, Confetti, EDM, Martin Garrix, Music, Ultra, Ultra Chile, AGP, Alex G Perez,

Dakle, ne samo da ga nije briga za ljestvicu i njegov vlastiti poredak na njoj, već i sumnja i u njen kredibilitet jer se na njoj nalaze neki DJ-i za koje nikad nije čuo.

“In any case, I have never made a call to vote for me and I will never do so. The list is very important in some parts of the world. Particularly in Asia, great importance is attached to it. But the only thing that really matters is how many tickets you sell and whether you make people happy.” – kaže Garrix.

Što reći nego – slažemo se.