Zbog koronavirusa upitno održavanje Tomorrowlanda? “Nitko ne zna kako će svijet izgledati za par mjeseci”

Već je svima jasno da pandemija koronavirusa utječe na sve segmente naših života i sve grane gospodarstva u cijelom svijetu. Zatvaraju se kafići i restorani, obustavlja se javni prijevoz, otkazuju letovi, a pati i festivalska scena jer se mahom otkazuju masovna javna okupljanja.

Prvi su na udaru bili Ultra Miami i zimska inačica Tomorrowlanda, a nastavi li se taj domino efekt trend i dalje, ovo bi ljeto, obilježeno festivalima na koje smo navikli, moglo biti dovedeno u pitanje. Upravo su se zato jučer organizatori Tomorrowlanda fanovima i posjetiteljima obratili putem društvenih mreža službenim priopćenjem kojeg ti prenosimo u cjelosti:

“Dear People of Tomorrow,

These are exceptional and challenging times for all of us.
As a worldwide community, it is our joint mission to support each other, give hope, and look forward to a bright future that will continue to connect us all. That is the foundation of our philosophy. Just like you are the foundation of Tomorrowland.

The preparations for Tomorrowland 2020 are currently ongoing, with hundreds of people working day in, day out, to create another amazing chapter. Everyone is managing their responsibilities with a lot of strength and positivity, but also under a degree of uncertainty, as nobody really knows what the world will look like in a few months’ time.

It is beyond doubt that the well-being, health, and safety of the People of Tomorrow, our partners, our neighbors, the artists, and our team are our top priority. We are following governmental instructions closely during these preparations. We sincerely hope we will be able to celebrate love, unity, and friendship with all of you this summer.
We would like to call on everyone to follow their local government’s guidelines closely. Stay at home, wash your hands, and keep your distance from one another. Taking care of yourself and your loved ones is taking care of the future.

Please visit tomorrowland.com, where we will keep you updated with open communication about Tomorrowland as best as we can in these uncertain times.
We can handle this together. As one large global community. Connected through the power of music. With a big heart and lots of love for each other, the exceptional medical staff all around the world, all other festivals and events, our amazing suppliers and partners, our team, and everybody who has been or continues to be affected by this situation. Stay safe.

Live Today, Love Tomorrow, Unite Forever.



Nadamo se kako će cijela ova priča završiti što prije kako bi svi mogli uživati u ljetu kakvog priželjkujemo i kako bismo se što prije mogli vratiti starom načinu života. Pritom treba spomenuti kako u tome ulogu igra baš svatko od nas. Odgovornost je na svima nama i zato ostani doma, brini o sebi i drugima i spasimo zajedno ljeto pred nama.